Styropan XPS products


Extruded polystyrene Styropan XPS product categories & blue panels


XPS R&F (Roof & Floor)



Boards of rigid extruded polystyrene foam used for thermal insulation of floors, compact roofs, inverted roofs, green roofs, pitched roofs and for ceiling insulation applications. The dimensions of the boards are 1250 mm x 600 mm. The final surface of the boards is the extrusion skin. Thicknesses vary from 30 mm to 140 mm on a step of 10mm.

 XPS panel and roof and floor extruded polystyrene panel dimensions

Boards of rigid extruded polystyrene foam used for thermal insulation of floors, compact roofs, inverted roofs, green roofs, pitched roofs and for ceiling insulation applications. The dimensions of the boards are 1250 mm x 600 mm. The final surface of the boards is the extrusion skin. Thicknesses vary from 30 mm to 140 mm on a step of 10mm.

STYROPAN XPS R&F dimensions



Thermal insulation boards STYROPAN XPS R&F are CE certified in accordance with the EN 13164 standard.

 As far as reaction to fire is concerned, they are arranged in E category according to EN 13501-1.


STYROPAN XPS R&F boards’ edges are shaped as follows:


STYROPAN XPS R&F panels’ edges


Extruded polystyrene STYROPAN XPS R&F boards package info:


Thickness d (mm) Boards/package (items) Surface/package (m2)
30 14 10,5
40 10 7,5
50 8 6
60 7 5,25
70 6 4,5
80 5 3,75
100 4 3
120 3 2,25
140 3 2,25


*We offer STYROPAN XPS R&F thermal insulation boards in other dimensions upon order.


STYROPAN XPS R&F roof and floor panel 







Boards of rigid extruded polystyrene foam used for interior thermal insulation or cavity wall insulation. The board dimensions are 2500 mm x 600 mm and the final surface is smooth (with extrusion skin). Their thickness varies from 30 mm to 140 mm (per 10 mm). 

Extruded polystyrene XPS wall panel dimensions

Boards of rigid extruded polystyrene foam used for interior thermal insulation or cavity wall insulation. The board dimensions are 2500 mm x 600 mm and the final surface is smooth (with extrusion skin). Their thickness varies from 30 mm to 140 mm (per 10 mm).

Extruded polystyrene XPS wall panel dimensions



Thermal insulation boards STYROPAN XPS WALL are CE certified in accordance with the EN 13164 standard.

 As far as reaction to fire is concerned, they are arranged in E category according to EN 13501-1.


STYROPAN XPS WALL boards’ edges are shaped as follows:


STYROPAN XPS WALL panels’ edges



Extruded polystyrene STYROPAN XPS WALL boards package info:


Thickness d (mm) Boards/package (items) Surface/package (m2)
30 14 21
40 10 15
50 8 12
60 7 10,5
70 6 9
80 5 7,5
100 4 6
120 3 4,5
140 3 4,5


*We offer STYROPAN XPS WALL thermal insulation boards in other dimensions upon order.


Extruded polystyrene XPS wall panel



XPS WS (Without skin)



Boards of rigid extruded polystyrene foam used for thermal insulation of concrete elements within the formwork (beams, columns, lintels, basement walls). Final surface of the board: Extrusion skin is shaved and linear grooves pattern is received to enhance adhesion with concrete. The XPS WS boards are fitted inside the formwork before pouring the concrete. The dimensions of the boards are 2500 mm x 600mm. Thicknesses vary from 30 mm to 140 mm.

Extruded polystyrene XPS WS panel dimensions

Boards of rigid extruded polystyrene foam used for thermal insulation of concrete elements within the formwork (beams, columns, lintels, basement walls).Final surface of the board: Extrusion skin is shaved and linear grooves pattern is received to enhance adhesion with concrete. The XPS WS boards are fitted inside the formwork before pouring the concrete. The dimensions of the boards are 2500 mm x 600mm. Thicknesses vary from 30 mm to 140 mm.

Extruded polystyrene XPS WS panel dimensions



Thermal insulation boards STYROPAN XPS WS are CE certified in accordance with the EN 13164 standard.

 As far as reaction to fire is concerned, they are arranged in E category according to EN 13501-1.


STYROPAN XPS WS boards’ edges are shaped as follows:


STYROPAN XPS WS panels’ edges



Extruded polystyrene STYROPAN XPS WS boards package info:


Thickness d (mm) Boards/package (items) Surface/package (m2 )
30 14 21
40 10 15
50 8 12
60 7 10,5
70 6 9
80 5 7,5
100 4 6
120 3 4,5
140 3 4,5

*We offer STYROPAN XPS WS thermal insulation boards in other dimensions upon order.


Extruded polystyrene XPS WS panel






Boards of rigid extruded polystyrene foam used in ETICS (External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems), in thermal bridges or as perimeter (base) insulation. Final surface: Extrusion skin is shaved. Mechanical fastening with suitable dowels is also recommended. Dimensions of the boards: 1250 mm x 600 mm. Thicknesses vary from 20 mm to 140 mm, on a step of 10 mm.

External insulation Extruded polystyrene XPS ETICS paneldimensions

Boards of rigid extruded polystyrene foam used in ETICS (External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems), in thermal bridges or as perimeter (base) insulation. Final surface: Extrusion skin is shaved. Mechanical fastening with suitable dowels is also recommended. Dimensions of the boards: 1250 mm x 600 mm. Thicknesses vary from 20 mm to 140 mm, on a step of 10 mm.

STYROPAN XPS ETICS εξωτερικη θερμομονωση διαστασεις



Thermal insulation boards STYROPAN XPS ETICS are CE certified in accordance with the EN 13164 standard.

 As far as reaction to fire is concerned, they are arranged in E category according to EN 13501-1.


STYROPAN XPS ETICS  boards’ edges are shaped as follows:





Extruded polystyrene STYROPAN XPS ETICS boards package info:


Thickness d (mm) Boards/package (items) Surface/package (m2)
20 20 15
30 14 10,5
40 10 7,5
50 8 6
60 7 5,25
70 6 4,5
80 5 3,75
100 4 3
120** 3 2,25
140** 3 2,25


*We offer STYROPAN XPS ETICS thermal insulation boards in other dimensions upon order.


** STYROPAN XPS ETICS boards of 12 & 14 cm thickness are available only with edges.


STYROPAN XPS ETICS πλακα εξηλασμένης πολυστερίνης




For more info about applying STYROPAN XPS ETICS in External thermal insulation composite systems please click here




XPS HCS (High Compressive Strength)



Boards of rigid extruded polystyrene foam used for thermal insulation of roofs and floors under heavy loads e.g parking roofs, inverted roofs, fridges. Dimensions of the boards: 2500 mm x 600 mm. Final surface of the boards: the extrusion skin. Thicknesses: 50 mm, 75 mm, 100 mm.

πλάκα και διαστάσεις εξηλασμένης πολυστερίνης υψηλών αντοχών

Boards of rigid extruded polystyrene foam used for thermal insulation of roofs and floors under heavy loads e.g parking roofs, inverted roofs, fridges. Dimensions of the boards: 2500 mm x 600 mm. Final surface of the boards: the extrusion skin. Thicknesses: 50 mm, 75 mm, 100 mm.




Thermal insulation boards STYROPAN XPS HCS are CE certified in accordance with the EN 13164 standard.

As far as reaction to fire is concerned, they are arranged in E category according to EN 13501-1.


STYROPAN XPS HCS boards’ edges are shaped as follows:


STYROPAN XPS HCS panels’ edges


Extruded polystyrene STYROPAN XPS HCS boards package info:


Thickness d (mm) Boards/package (items) Surface/package (m2)
50 8 12
75 5 7,5
100 4 6

*We offer STYROPAN XPS HCS thermal insulation boards in other dimensions upon order.


STYROPAN XPS Wall τοιχοποιιας πλακα





XPS PR (for Pitched Roofs)



Boards or rigid extruded polystyrene foam used for thermal insulation of pitched roofs. Each board has a linear groove which allows to easily cut the panel on site in half. Dimensions of the boards: 2500 mm x 610 mm. Final surface of the boards: the extrusion skin. Thicknesses: 30 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm.

πλάκα και διαστάσεις εξηλασμένης πολυστερίνης κεραμοσκεπών

Boards or rigid extruded polystyrene foam used for thermal insulation of pitched roofs. Each board has a linear groove which allows to easily cut the board on site in half. Dimensions of the boards: 2500 mm x 610 mm. Final surface of the boards: the extrusion skin. Thicknesses: 30 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm.

STYROPAN XPS PR κεραμοσκεπών διαστασεις



Thermal insulation boards STYROPAN PR are CE certified in accordance with the EN 13164 standard.

As far as reaction to fire is concerned, they are arranged in E category according to EN 13501-1.


STYROPAN XPS PR boards’ edges are shaped as follows:


STYROPAN XPS PR panels’ edges



Extruded polystyrene STYROPAN XPS PR boards package info:


Thickness d (mm) Boards/package (items) Surface/package (m2 )
30 14 21,35
40 10 15,25
50 8 12,20


*We offer STYROPAN XPS PR thermal insulation boards in other dimensions upon order.


STYROPAN XPS PR κεραμοσκεπων




XPS COMPOSITE PANELS (for interior insulation)



Thermal insulation composite panels made of Styropan's XPS laminated to gypsum boards for which the main intended use is the internal insulation of walls. Dimensions of the panels: 2500 mm x 1200 mm. Final surface of the panels: Extrusion skin is shaved. Thicknesses: 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 mm + 12,50 mm (plasterboard thickness).

Πλάκα και διαστάσεις σύνθετων πάνελ με γυψοσανίδα και εξηλασμένη πολυστερίνη STYROPAN XPS


Thermal insulation composite panels made of Styropan's XPS laminated to gypsum boards for which the main intended use is the internal insulation of walls. Dimensions of the panels: 2500 mm x 1200 mm. Final surface of the panels: Extrusion skin is shaved. Thicknesses: 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80mm + 12,50 mm (plasterboard thickness).

STYROPAN XPS συνθετα πανελ με γυψοσανιδα και εξηλασμενη
παχος γυψοσανίδας και πάχος πλάκας εξηλασμενης πολυστερίνης

Plasterboard thickness (12.5 mm) & XPS attached panel thickness (30/40/50/60/70/80 mm).


STYROPAN XPS Composite panels’ edges are shaped as follows:


STYROPAN XPS Composite panels’ edges



Extruded polystyrene STYROPAN XPS Composite panels package info:


Thickness d (mm) Panels/package(items) Surface/package (m2)
42,5 & 52,5
1 3
62,5 & 72,5 1 3
82,5 & 92,5
1 3


STYROPAN XPS συνθετα πανελ γυψοσανιδα και εξηλασμενη

XPS composite panels




XPS DP (Doors panel)



Boards of rigid extruded polystyrene foam used for thermal insulation of doors. XPS DP panels are designed to be used as the core insulation material of doors. They are manufactured in a special way in order to offer the maximum possible dimensional stability, in order to prevent surface waves during lamination with the coatings of the door. Dimensions of the boards: 2100 mm x 600 mm. Final surface of the boards: the extrusion skin is shaved. Thicknesses: 20 mm, 21 mm, 22 mm.

Πλάκα και διαστάσεις πάνελ πόρτας από εξηλασμένη πολυστερίνη STYROPAN XPS


Panels of rigid extruded polystyrene foam used for thermal insulation of doors. XPS DP panels are designed to be used as the core insulation material of doors. They are manufactured in a special way in order to offer the maximum possible dimensional stability, in order to prevent surface waves during lamination with the coatings of the door. Dimensions of the boards: 2100 mm x 600 mm. Final surface of the boards: the extrusion skin is shaved. Thicknesses: 20 mm, 21 mm, 22 mm.

STYROPAN XPS DP πανελ πορτας διαστασεις

STYROPAN XPS DP boards’ edges are shaped as follows:


STYROPAN XPS DP panels’ edges



Extruded polystyrene STYROPAN XPS DP package info:


Thickness d (mm) Boards/package (items) Surface/package (m2)
20 20 25,2
21 20 25,2
22 20 25,2


*We offer STYROPAN XPS DP thermal insulation boards in other dimensions upon order.



STYROPAN XPS DP πανελ πορτας





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